We will update this page with ongoing experiments that support or dont support Liquid Gravity
Part of this journey is to contact universities and space agencies to get their support in carrying out a crucial experiment that will prove how gravity really works. Some of these experiments can be carried out in the garage and others will need the help of those with specialised equipment. these Experiments are simple and well documented but are having a few changes made to see what we can discover.
This simple home made rig is capable of detecting very small forces of gravity and how it reacts in different situations. First used to measure gravity and now to be used to measure liquid gravity.
This machine defines the biggest scientific failure to detect Aether wind, however it may be that it can still discover Aether or Liquid gravity by looking in new directions.
Gravity maps show hot spots rather than lactions where more mass maybe
This world map shows red zones for high gravity areas and blue zones for low gravity areas. The areas dont correspond to elevation where you may expect to see greater mass, or where the land mass is higer above sea level.
See article for more information
The correlation between the earth's hot zones where the earth is geological activity is very striking when you compare it to the above map showing where volcano's are mapped
Here an image showing the prominant hotspot situated over the yellow stone super volcano.
A simple test would confirm where garvity would come from.
The Test would be to compare a ton of metal in a molten state and the same metal in a cold state and messure the garvity of each. This test will conclusivly show if heat (Energy) is the driving force that produces gravity. I dont know if this test can be preforemed but I will resurch to find out if such a test could be carried out.